Step out the front door like a ghost into a fog

Random collection of opinions and observations as I journey through my personal, spiritual, and professional life.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Financial planning

One of the debates in the Marquart house right now is setting up our finances. Luckily, Katie and I agree and have the same vision for the future (a good thing for a married couple). Our main goal is to have as little debt as possible, which we have done a pretty good job of so far. We enter marriage with only three debts: my car, our house, and our student loans. Having no credit card debt is amazing, and we are truly blessed to be in that position.

Our main question right now is where to get our advice. I am naturally skeptical about financial advice because I don't like getting advice from people that have something to gain (this is true in many aspects of life). For example, if you meet with a 'financial expert' from Northwestern Mutual I bet they say you need more life insurance. If you meet with someone from Baird they will tell us to invest.

I was recently turned to Dave Ramsey by two of my favorite people (Josh and Jessica Brown). Dave Ramsey is a lot like me in that he favors paying off any debt before you really start saving because by not paying interest, in the long run you are saving. Makes sense to me to pay off things at 6.8% interest (student loans) instead of saving money at 3% interest.

As I sit here, I don't know what to do with our wedding money. Haven't counted it or anything, but there is enough there to need to make a choice. Pay off the car and put the rest to student loans? I wish I could get some HONEST advice and not advice from someone that is trying to maximize their commission.



  • At 1:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think our startup will help with questions like this in the future. fabeetle allows you to rate, review, and research financial advisors. Let us know what you think.

  • At 5:05 AM , Blogger Jessica Brown said...

    hey, we got mentioned! you and katie are of course some of our favorite people, too. did you start listening to dave ramsey podcasts? or read his book? iàm curious. in any case, glad it seems to make sense to you. we are fans.

    also, we'd love to see you guys come and visit in ohio sometime. our doors are always open!

  • At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is where all of your finance and cost accounting classes come in! Before looking at the money, make a list of priorities you have now that you are married, homeowners, future parents, etc. Once you know where you want to be, financing it will come second nature. Dave Ramsey is awesome but his trick is to help you prioritize your life with your finances. You will either be cutting out the middleman by doing your own legwork or at least be further ahead when you call into his show with questions.


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