Step out the front door like a ghost into a fog

Random collection of opinions and observations as I journey through my personal, spiritual, and professional life.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Healthcare quickie

Here is my concern with healthcare reform. Well, first let me say I know that we need to reform the system. Healthcare has way too much waste within it. There are too many hands in too many cookie jars in healthcare. But that isn't my concern.

My concern is that we need to ensure people are given an incentive to be healthy. I don't want us (taxpayers or insurance payers) to continue to pay into a fund while 33% of people in this country are obese and don't seem to really mind. We suck down soda and eat fast food at INSANE rates. I want that to matter. I want that fixed. I want there to be an incentive to take good care of your body. Obviously the natural incentives (more energy, longer life expectancy...) aren't enough.

I don't want to come off as some skinny kid pissing and moaning about this, but when do we take an honest look at this? One of the reasons our healthcare system is a mess is because we take terrible care of our bodies. Don't believe me? Google 'children obesity rates.' It will BLOW YOUR MIND.

I am not asking for everyone to be skinny and in triathlon shape, but if we can watch 4 hours of TV a day how do we not have time for a half hour of exercise? Go for a walk? Jog? As we struggle to revamp our healthcare system I hope that we also take time (I know we won't because we are stubborn) to revamp our lifestyles as well because the economy and healthcare system has been (at least partially) ruined by us. Not by government or other people. Take accountability and take better care of your life.



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