Step out the front door like a ghost into a fog

Random collection of opinions and observations as I journey through my personal, spiritual, and professional life.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Twitter me this...

I have a beef with people that hate Twitter. I don't care if people join Twitter, but many people seem to hate twitter for no reason. Much of the folks opposition against Twitter is completely unfounded and shows that they simply don't use it. I don't give my opinion on women's deodorant because I don't use it, why should people who don't use Twitter speak out against it so much?

Twitter serves a purpose. Like any service, you don't need to use it. I enjoy it because I like to see not what my friends are eating for breakfast, but instead what friends and other people (not Aston Kucher or however you spell his name) are reading and discussing.

My lovely friend Jessica Underwood tried to turn me onto Twitter over a year ago and I didn't catch on because it just didn't seem right for me. Many Twitter users start, but then fade (lack of nicotine I assume). Now I am hooked, and I enjoy it.

I love when people that speak out against Twitter actually try it and realize they were wrong. Bill Simmons from ESPN is probably the most famous people I have seen that was very against it until he tried it, and then he loved it.

I won't even recommend that you (if anyone even reads this) tries or uses it, but like anything else in life, perhaps save you opinions to things you actually know something about.



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