Step out the front door like a ghost into a fog

Random collection of opinions and observations as I journey through my personal, spiritual, and professional life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Make a difference in the world

In a shocking change of events, something is bothering me.

We all know that there is a huge political uproar going on in Iran right now. I will be honest, I don't really know what is going on. I know that there was an election and people feel that the results might be rigged and that there have been deadly protests. Anyways.

So people are showing 'support' for the cause in many ways, one of which is changing their Twitter icons to green. Other people are wearing green. I think support causes is great (who doesn't?), but I feel that this is an overly simplistic way to support a cause (mostly because it doesn't help or do anything).

Perhaps this all started a few years ago with LIVEstrong bracelets. Granted, the bracelets raised millions of dollars for cancer research. People donated a dollar and got a clear conscience (that word doesn't seem spelled right). Just like now people turn their twitter icon green or change their twitter location to Tehran (in an effort to confuse officials, like that is going to work). These are simple things that make us feel like we are making a difference. Heck, look at this list of bracelets you can now buy to support various causes (like I love my cat is a REAL cause). John Deere has a bracelet. Why on earth do people need to support John Deere? I have nothing against the bracelets, just against people spending a dollar and feeling like they are making a difference while we have people around the world ACTUALLY making a difference.

ACTUALLY make a difference. I wore a ONE bracelet for about 3 years. The ONE organization is an organization I believe in a ton, but I also supported a charity along with it. I didn't simply just pay a dollar or join a group on Facebook and consider myself a supporter. People need to go out and make a difference. Charities doing it one dollar at a time are doing it the right way, people paying a dollar to feel like a contributing member are not. Maybe you don't have a lot of money, then donate time. Maybe you don't have a lot of time, then donate money. Find a cause, get behind it, and ACTUALLY make the world a better place.

And don't even get me started on the ribbons people put on cars...



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